Well, friends, we made it to 2023! Happy New Year!!
A new year means a chance to start fresh and focus on fostering positive habits, like eating healthier, exercising, improving mental health, and working on time management skills. It’s easy to say that we will practice new patterns in the new year. Still, staying focused, motivated, and connected with the resources that will increase our likelihood of success can often be very difficult. Below is a list of apps, YouTube channels, and podcasts to help arm you with the resources you need to knock your 2023 goals out of the park!

Mental Health
Apps: BetterHelp – Therapy, Headspace: Mindful Meditation, I Am – Daily Affirmations
YouTube Channel: @MeditativeMind
Podcasts: The Happiness Lab, Therapy for Black Girls, Cleaning Up the Mental Mess with Dr. Caroline Leaf, Radio Headspace
Apps: I Am Sober, Quitzilla, Sober Sidekick
Podcasts: The Addicted Mind Podcast, That Sober Guy Podcast, Soberful the Podcast, Sober Awkward
Goal Setting/Motivation
Apps: Dreamfora: Daily Goal Setting, Loop Habit Tracker, Fabulous Daily Routine Planner
YouTube Channel: @ETTheHipHopPreacher
Podcasts: Motivation with Brendon Burchard, The Science of Success, The Goal Digger, TED Talks Daily, The Good Life Project
Apps: FitOn Workouts & Fitness Plans, FitBit app, MyFitnessPal: Calorie Counter, Lifesum: Healthy Eating & Diet, MealPrepPro Meal Planner, Able: Personalized Weight Care
YouTube Channel: @TheMealPrepManual
Podcasts: FoundMyFitness, The Exam Room, Diet Starts Tomorrow, The Stronger By Science Podcast
Financial Wellness
Apps: Mint: Budget & Track Bills, Acorns: Save & Invest, Ibotta: Save & Earn Cash Back
Podcasts: DIY Money, BiggerPockets Money Podcast, Planet Money