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Quitting IS an Option: Nicotine Facts & The Great American SmokeOut

November 14, 2019

It can be a challenge to quit using products that contain nicotine but remember… you are not alone. Living a nicotine-free life is possible.

Tobacco use remains the top preventable cause of disease and death in the United Sates. However, nearly 1.3 million smokers quit each year, reports US News Health. With supportive resources, many can overcome nicotine addiction which reduces health risks and allows the pursuit of a healthier and happier life.

Why is smoking addictive?  Why does Nicotine Misuse Occur?

Once a person starts using tobacco products, they have a hard time quitting. This is because of the addictive chemical nicotine, a stimulant found in tobacco and some vaping products.

To put it simply, when you take your first drag of a cigarette or nicotine product, within 10 seconds the nicotine will enter your brain and trigger happy, euphoric feelings. BUT when that nicotine wears off, so does that happy feeling or “buzz.” The more a person uses, the more nicotine is needed to sustain the “buzz” which results in using more frequently.“Nicotine alters the balance of 2 chemicals called dopamine and noradrenaline in your brain. When nicotine changes the levels of these chemicals, your mood and concentration levels change.”NHS

[icon name=”arrow-circle-o-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  You can’t stop smoking.

[icon name=”arrow-circle-o-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  You experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop.

[icon name=”arrow-circle-o-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  You keep smoking despite health problems.

[icon name=”arrow-circle-o-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  You give up social or recreational activities in order to smoke.

Experiencing any of
these symptoms?
LRADAC can help!


Start your journey or help those in your community take a leap and quit smoking on November 21 at the annual The American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout intervention event. The campaign encourages smokers to put down the cigarettes, and quit smoking with tobacco and e-cigarette prevention material. To learn more about the Great American Smokeout campaign, event, and other resources, please visit:

For more information and resources, visit our partner’s website: Smoke Free SC (

LRADAC is the designated alcohol abuse and drug abuse authority for Lexington and Richland Counties of South Carolina. The public, not-for-profit agency offers a wide array of prevention, intervention and treatment programs in locations convenient to residents of both counties. The agency has a budget of approximately $10 million and serves more than 5,000 clients per year.