Dr Pam Imm

Dr. Pam Imm Receives Award for Distinguished Contributions to Practice in Community Psychology

July 27, 2015

The Society for Community Research and Action, a division of the American Psychological Association, recently honored Dr. Pam Imm for her outstanding contribution to the field of community psychology.  Dr. Imm works as an evaluator for community coalitions that help to prevent risky behaviors, including substance abuse, among youth. Dr. Imm is a consultant with LRADAC’s prevention programs assisting with evaluation, grant writing, and program development.

Dr. Imm’s research is widely published.  Her publications include Using the Getting to Outcomes Approach to Help Communities Prevent Underage Drinking (2007) and The Premises is the Premise: Understanding Off-and-On Premises Alcohol Sales Outlets to Improve Environmental Alcohol Prevention Strategies (2011). She and her colleagues received the 2008 American Evaluation Association Award for Outstanding Publication for Getting to Outcomes: Methods and Tools for Self-Assessment and Accountability. A number of communities, states, and nonprofit organizations around the nation have adopted the Getting to Outcomes model as a way to obtain positive results.

Dr. Imm earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Community Psychology at the University of South Carolina.

LRADAC is the designated alcohol abuse and drug abuse authority for Lexington and Richland Counties of South Carolina. The public, not-for-profit agency offers a wide array of prevention, intervention and treatment programs in locations convenient to residents of both counties. The agency has a budget of approximately $10 million and serves more than 5,000 clients per year.