7 things to know about the Assessment Process

7 things to know about the Assessment Process

1. How do I get an assessment? LRADAC’s Assessment Center has walk-in times Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You can come at any point during these hours, but we advise that you come earlier in the day for your best chance of being seen that same...
What to do While Waiting for Detox

What to do While Waiting for Detox

For many, detox (withdrawal management) is a critical step in the beginning stages of treatment for substance use disorders. While this process is no walk in the park, no one should let the fear of waiting for withdrawal management services prevent them from getting...
Celebrating 40 Years: Marketing Toolkit

Celebrating 40 Years: Marketing Toolkit

July 1, 2018, marked a major milestone for LRADAC: our 40th anniversary. While much has changed since July 1978, LRADAC is still dedicated and working hard to create and support pathways for prevention and recovery from substance misuse for individuals, families and...