New Year’s Resolutions for Those in Recovery

New Year’s Resolutions for Those in Recovery

New year; new decisions? The start of the new year is a great time for goal-setting. For a person struggling with substance misuse, renewing resolutions or setting new goals towards a healthier and happier lifestyle can help restore hope and strengthen efforts in...
The Heightened Effects of Edible Marijuana

The Heightened Effects of Edible Marijuana

As laws regarding marijuana regulation have begun to relax across the country, edibles have become a frequently used method of consuming tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main chemical found in marijuana. Edibles are often easy to access for people of all ages and can...
7 things to know about the Assessment Process

7 things to know about the Assessment Process

1. How do I get an assessment? LRADAC’s Assessment Center has walk-in times Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You can come at any point during these hours, but we advise that you come earlier in the day for your best chance of being seen that same...