by Amanda Edwards | Apr 13, 2018 | Alcohol, News
LRADAC, AET and Midlands Crimestoppers Collaborate in an Effort to Address Underage Drinking Columbia, SC – April and May are a relatively high-risk time for youth and substance use surrounding prom and graduation celebrations. LRADAC hosted a press conference, April...
by Amanda Edwards | Apr 9, 2018 | Alcohol, News
Columbia, SC – To combat the dangers of underage drinking, LRADAC is teaming up with the 5th & 11th Circuit Alcohol Enforcement Team (AET) and Crimestoppers in a new campaign to prevent underage drinking, underage buys and irresponsible or illegal beverage service...
by Amanda Edwards | Sep 28, 2016 | Alcohol, Blog
According to the National Institute of Health, alcohol is the most widely misused substance among America’s youth. Underage drinking is a problem especially because alcohol affects teenagers and adults differently. Research shows that our brains are still developing...
by Amanda Edwards | Mar 24, 2016 | Alcohol, News
Columbia, SC – Talk of prom dresses, boutonnieres and graduation gowns is not uncommon during this exciting time of year. Teens are preparing for prom and graduation season and all too often celebration involves alcohol consumption. The Rise Above It Lexington Two...